Our post hole diggers are reliable and perfect for installations of fences, railings and other posts. Gas powered post hole diggers come in two-man hand-operated and tow-behind designs that use augers to remove earth. Manual post hole diggers use a simple clamp design to trap earth and pull it from the hole. Projects involving many posts, such as installing fencing or new neighborhood mailboxes, may benefit from Mini Skid Steer Rentals with auger attachments instead.
Need help? Check out our DIY post-hole digger rental guide or contact an equipment rental specialist for advice on your project.
Both manual and gas powered post hole diggers create round holes in tightly packed earth to support posts, poles and beams. Manual post hole diggers are ideal for installing one or only a few posts at a time, thanks to their ease of use and lower cost. Gas powered augers are better for medium to large jobs and when you have more than one person drilling holes. Gas powered diggers can create larger holes than manual ones, making them great for planting trees and shrubbery.
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Area Rental and Sales Co. is the largest event tent rental, Contractor and Homeowner Equipment Rental, and party equipment rental business in the state of Wisconsin. Area Rental and Sales has been serving the needs of customers in Wisconsin, Illinois and across the Midwest since 1975.