Wedding Planning For A Quick Wedding

A wedding is unarguably the most important event in any girl’s life and you will be no different. But a long engagement process is not everyone’s cup of tea.

You have waited your whole life for this special occasion and now that the big day is quickly approaching and you may need to make some snap decisions to get this wedding together in a hurry.

Before you continue any further its recommended that what ever Country you reside in that you double check the legal requirements of marriage and the timescales etc.

With the legal procedures taken care of your big day should go ahead as planned. When your ready to start planning your wedding its recommended to choose a target date and a suitable venue such as a Church or Registry office which will host the ceremony.

If you do decide upon a Registry office you may need to consider an additional venue. Reserved for after the vows, typically registry offices cover only the service. Considerations for the after service might be a restaurant, bar or function hall where you and your guests can gather to relax and catch up.

Once the venue is taken care of you can begin inviting your guests to the wedding. It is important to get this completed swiftly if you intend to have formal invitations designed and mailed to the honoured guests.

If you do leave it late then you run the risk of it being to late for them to take time off and arrange schedules around your wedding. For this reason if you are running late it may be worth spending a day visiting guests or calling them directly.

E-mailing or Facebook messages are unlikely to get there attention as much as the preferred methods mentioned.
It is now time for you to gather the remaining services, including photography, bakery amongst others. This is really down to your individual tastes but the earlier you arrange all of these the less running around you will have to do in the weeks running up to your big day.

Next comes one of the biggest responsibilities of the entire event: Choosing a wedding dress or gown. If your planning to do this within a short space of time you may have to consider a premade solution ‘off the rack’ so to speak.

Alterations at the last minute can be time costly. When looking for a gown try to ring ahead to get an idea of what to expect from the store and ask about any special offers as you may have caught them in the right season to get a discount. With the main elements of your wedding day planned it is only the honeymoon and the actual big day itself left to prepare for.

Before you know it the big day has arrived. You have nothing to worry about as everything has been prepared in advance and you are now nearly stress free. Spend your honey moon relaxing and unwinding form all the stress of the planning but most of all enjoy yourself and spend some quality time with your new spouse.

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