How Can New Wedding Planners Avoid Mistakes?

If you are a new wedding planner, you need to notice many different ways to bring your services into market. One of the best way is a bridal show or wedding expo. However, if you have never had any experience as an exhibitor, you may be wasting the time and money you invest by not doing what it takes to be successful.


Here are 5 mistakes new wedding planners often make when they exhibit at their first bridal shows and what you should do instead:


Mistake 1 – They don’t select the correct shows

Bridal shows may start trying to sell you exhibit space you as soon as they hear you are a wedding planner. And, it can be very appealing to be in the biggest bridal show in town but do some research, ask questions and talk to former exhibitors. Find out if the show attracts the brides in your niche and if the exhibitors had success selling their products and services to attendees.


Mistake 2 – They think all they need to do is show up on the day of the show

Capturing leads and getting appointments for consultations at a show requires a lot of thought and advance planning. You need to design your booth, train your staff, decide how you are going to capture leads and how you are going to follow-up after the show.


Mistake 3 – They think it is all about the decoration

The decor attracts and brings brides into your booth, but you have to get them to talk to you, give you their contact information and make an appointment or you will be wasting your time and money exhibiting at the show.


Mistake 4 – They don’t look professional

There is a saying, “how you do anything, is how you do everything.” You, you staff, your booth and your marketing materials are examples of the quality of service and professionalism of your business. Make sure you give a good impression to attendees.


Mistake 5 – They treat it as a one-shot deal

Many new planners think if they haven’t signed up a bride at a bridal show, they won’t get any clients from it. Not true. Brides don’t always decide they need a planner until long after a show is over, so you need to keep in touch. Don’t just file your leads and contact information after a show and move on to the next one. Stay in contact with e-newsletters and postcard mailings so you come to mind when the brides are ready to hire a planner.


And if you would like to learn more about exhibiting in bridal shows, get a copy of my Action Guide, “Exhibiting at Bridal Shows and Wedding Expos.” It’s 19 pages of the information you need to prepare for your next show, attract attendees to your booth, follow up with your leads, and it includes a quick-to-use exhibit-day checklist.

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