How to Make a Romantic Wall of Candles for Wedding

It will be a very romantic moment when you are walking down and then saying your vows in front of the wall of blazing candles. It is known that the soft light of candles is going to illuminate the faces of wedding party when the ceremony proceeds. Each flame can symbolize the light of the new life together. The scene like this is required a bit of preparation. Fortunately, candle sconces are available in many sizes and varieties so that you can have many options to choose. It is very important for you to consider about the candles you are going to use. At this time, this article is going to give you several tips to make a romantic wall of candles for wedding.

As the first step, you need to measure the wall that you want to mount the sconces. You may require using at least 6 inches between the sconces side by side. You need to stagger the each row of the sconces. So, if you have two rows of sconces, you will find that the first row will line the wall with the each sconce 6 inches apart. On the other hand, the second row is going to stagger the sconces, so the sconce will be located between and below the each of the sconces above it.

For the second step, you need to mark the wall in which you are going to mount the sconces. You have to keep the sconces for at least one or two feet below the ceiling and also four to five feet off the floor.

The third step is to drill the holes to mount the screws. If you do not have wall stud to drill into, you will require inserting the anchor in the hole before you are going to insert the screw.

The fourth step that you have to do is to mount your sconces one at a time in order to make sure that they are certainly stable on the wall. In this step, you should check the each sconce with the level.

Lastly, you should locate the candles in the sconces after you mount them. This way, you do not have to worry about covering the candles in any drywall dust while you work.

If you want to know more options of wall sconces, you can check out the review about crystal wall sconce that will help you the meet the best items you are going to mount. Among various options available, outdoor wall sconces may also become a great option for you to choose.

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